Senin, 28 Januari 2013


By Adlan Mamnun : The establishment of boarding schools and foundations maraqitta’limat had a veri long, especially if it is associated with the history of the life and struggles of is founder, the TGH.Muhammad Zainuddin Arsyad who then procced by his son TGH.Hazmi Hamzar.

Family life TGH.Muhammad Arsyad very simple, but it did not dampen his intention to fight to uphold the sentences Allah Swt, roving from one village to another village even though without the use of mean of transportation. One after the other members of the public invited to worship only Allah Swt, because at that time the people on the island of in general is still blind from religious teachings. With a variety of difficulty, he taught religious understanding littel by littel, his ideals were noble armed with strong faith belief in the help of God Almighty. Then to be able to continue the struggle to spread Islam in the island of lombok, he TGH.Muhammad Zainuddin Arsyad sent to study religion in the land of Mecca when he was 8 old his parents named TGH.Muhammad Arsyad.

TGH.Muhammad Zainuddin Arsyad littel since he was studying in the holy city, the journey through thr rays of the Devine in the city of the prohet. A small Muhammad Zainuddin has found a variety of experience and knowledge that has forged itself into smart and tenacious teenager, about 20 years in the city of Mecca to study Darul Ulum, the school was located in a village called Jarwal a distance of one kilometer from Masjid Haram. Finally, armed with the knowledge of the religion, so that in 1938 Muhammad Zainuddin Arsyad Back to land of his land in the village East Lombok Mamben Lauq.

His homecoming that bring fresh air to welcome people in full joy and gratitude by the family and community, hi is very doubts about the condition of the island of lombok time. Then look busy father freach Islam in the society came into his heart to establish study groups, and by the time it startedin pionnering a Majlis Ta’lim which was named Darul Ulum. TGH.Muhammad Zainuddin Arsyad with yaouthful blazing start teaching various Islamic sciences, such  as reading the Qur’an, Fiqh, Arabic, Tawheed, Tafseer Science and others. His Father was very grateful to see his son’s persistence.

Zainuddin Arsyad figure has been tarnsformed into a bright young master teacher and authoritativ. He succeeded his father often gave religious sermon to congregations, skill and prestige attached to it so quickly in the mind of every congregations so the longer Majlis Ta’lim Darul Ulum growing number of pilgrims to their studies and received a master discourses of young teachers that they call “ Penghulu Bajang “.

In addition to the basic sciences, the Majlis Ta’lim it also taught a variety of disciplines including, Ma’abadih Fiqh, Nahu Wadhih (Grmamar Wadhih), Badrun Munir, Loghatul Arabiyah, Nahu Shoraf (Grammar Shoraf), Fathul Qarib, Tariqatul Islam, Tariqatul Hadiyah, science Mantiq etc.

Majlis Ta’lim significant develoments made study who had used no longer able to accommendate the students who countinued to arrive from different directions. Then in 1950, by some community leader erected a broader study places, namely in a small mosque built by Amaq Sadar.

Student of the first batch of Darul Ulum Majlis Ta’lim include TGH.Abu Bakar, Amaq Makenah or batter known as Guru Makenah, H.Farhan, H.Badarudin, H.Marzuki, H.Halil, H.Rusli, Amaq Suarno, Amaq Husnah, Amaq Erah, Amaq Haderi, Amaq As’ad, Inaq Wasifah and others, all of which became known as the teacher because ofter they receive the knowledge of Penghulu Bajang, they then spread to the various villages to deliver propaganda. Because it is the first batch of students is fostered to become teacher for the next generation.

While students in the scond class include H.Abdul Mannan, Saleh Rihin, H.Ahyar (Mamben Daya), H.Arsyad (Lendang), and then followed by the next generation as Amaq Saleh, Amaq Saadah, Amaq Hirfan, Amaq Sulhan, Siderah, Hurnaen, H.Maksum and H.Yasin.

The development of Darul Ulum Majlis Ta’lim more rapidly, finally occurred TGH.Muhammad Zainuddin Arsyad to set up a boarding school as an institution coordinating all activeties conducted both in the field of Da’wah and Social.
In 1951, he along with several coleagues conducted and consultation to realize the plan is the establishment of a boarding school. The first deliberation was attended by his father TGH.Muhammad Arsyad. He invited several prominent as H.M.Amin, TGH.Mustaqim, H.Halidi, H.M.Hamid, H.Baharudin, Guru Mu’minah, Amaq Munaqif, H.Mahmudin and H.Ridwan. In the first discussion, the purpose of establishing a boarding school be established and begin to prepare strategic palns boarding school.

The first meeting was followed up at both meetings by inviting village head (Keliang Kampung) as Mamben villages such as H.Mustafa, H.Muhtar, Anhar, Guru Badar, Amaq Mannan, Amaq Muhriah, Amaq Saknah, H.M.Saleh, Amaq kalsum, Amaq Nasrun, Amaq Sakrah, Amaq Erah, Amaq Saenah and some other figures.

The second meeting was qiute tough because it discusses the name of the institution to be established. Two names that stuck out and a lot of the time it is proposed Darul Ulum (House of sciences) and Maraqitta’limat (Educational Ladder), for consideration of the Darul Ulum is the name of the institution on that is in Macca, the approved name used is Maraqitta’limat. This name was agreed upon in 1952, so it is set as the day of birth Foundation Maraqitta’limat.

In 1959 Maraqitta’limat struggle continued boarding school and the foundation had been building and preparing Statutes and Bylaws (AD/ART). Then to strengthen the administration of this establishment, the Foundation made Maraqitta’limat Notary Act in 1960 in cooperation with the leaders of Muhammadiyah Masbagik board. Preparation of Deed to coincede with the term of office of the Governor of NTB Wadita Kusuma and Lalu Wildan as Regent of East Lombok.

At its establishment, the Foundation Maraqitta’limat politicel leanings Syuro Council Indonesia (Masyumi) who was headed by KH.Agus Alwi and Umar Semeq.

One june 30, 1964 do Maraqittalimat the Foundation ceremony was attended by several prominent central Masyumi like KH.Muhammad Hafiz and Islamic Organizations as lombok region with some officeals from the District and Provincial governments.

Foundation Maraqitta’limat the formation chaired directly TGH.Muhammad Zainuddin Arsyad and secretary Bapak Kesip, to expands the guidance, the foundation was officialy engaget in three areas Social, Da’wah and Education.

Social and Da’wah has been conducted continuously through informal institutions established by the leaders and taechers of the Qur’an are spread in villages on the island of lombok. Next to education, built schools or Madrasah because of the Majlis Ta’lim study groups and teacher education institutions are determined to Master (Guru) this from of human fersonality which is responsible for building a religion, homeland and nation guided by the Kitabullah and Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad.

Relation on the educational mission of the Foundation Maraqitta’limat, TGH.Muhammad Zainuddin Arsyad philosophical thoughts pour beautiful sentence quoted by verses of the Qur’an which is the first verses revealed by God and are associated with the read command (Learning). This beautiful verse as well as inspiration in the developing education through the foundation, which is the sentence :

Meaning : “ Most holy God who taught man by the Hand Qalam (Writing). Who taught men aniting that does not / did not already know “

The sentence above is taken from the Qur’an Surah Al-Alaq : 4-5 upfront plus Subhanalladzi Said.

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